Welcome to RNHS
Ms. Melinda Folchetti, Interim Principal
Rye Neck High School
300 Hornidge Road
Mamaroneck, NY 10543
About Rye Neck High School
Welcome to Rye Neck High School's website. It is a comprehensive college preparatory high school, accredited by the New York State Board of Regents, and designated by the United States Department of Education as a National School of Excellence. Students are supported by a skilled faculty to become self-directed learners and global citizens.
Special features of Rye Neck High School:
- Twenty-five Advanced Placement course offerings AP Research, Seminar, the Arts, English, History, World Languages, Mathematics, and Sciences
- Special partnerships with local colleges for dual enrollment opportunities in Mathematics, Social Studies, Theater Arts, and World Languages
- Robust elective offerings including anatomy, computer science, creative writing, computer science, digital media, engineering, music, physiology, robotics, theatre arts, video production, robotics, and many more
- Extensive opportunities in student research including Action Research, Independent Learner Program, and Science Research in cooperation with SUNY Albany
- State- of- the-Art Fitness Center and dedicated HS gymnasium
- Senior Internship Program
- Expansive offering of extracurricular activities and clubs including Mock Trial, Model UN, Students Against Destructive Decisions, Key Club, and a full range of interscholastic athletics, spanning three seasons
- Video and television production center
- School and community service programs
- Award-winning theater and music productions
- Extended Day Program for academic support